Friday, January 29, 2010

Girl, 16, rescued in Haiti

A 16 year old girl in Haiti was rescued from the rubble. It is possible that she may have been trapped since the January 12th earthquake. A group of people near the embassy in Port-au-Prince said they heard her voice and then French rescuers came with them to where they heard the voice of the girl. After 45 minutes the girl was rescued weak and dehydrated, but ok.

First of all, having been in a location where an earthquake occurred would be scary enough. It would be even harder to lose family and friends in a natural disaster. Yet, being trapped in a place where I couldn't get out of would be unbelievable. I can't imagine being stuck under rubble for 15 days! I wonder what thoughts were going through her head as she laid trapped for that long of time? It is unbelievable that she was still alive and was able to be rescued. I wonder if there will be other stories of people being rescued? I think that it is great that people from other countries are helping the people of Haiti to recover and move on from this stressful and devastating event.