Thursday, February 18, 2010

Issue 3-Social Insecurity

Social Security was founded in 1935 to help fight poverty during the Great Depression. However, it now serves more than 47 million people. Two thirds of those people are retirees while the other third are disabled workers. Social Security, as well as Medicare, are programs that are suffering right now due to aging population of Americans. The programs are having to provide for more people than ever before. Not to mention the government has also been taking money from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other programs. With these issues, it is estimated that by 2017 the government will be paying out more in Social Security benefits than it is taking in. Medicare is already spending more than it has and the fund it relies on will be exhausted in 2019. There are two arguements about the current situation of the Social Security Program. One side believes that the Social Security Program needs a complete overhaul. This could include private investment accounts or cutting benefits to Americans that are in true need. In 2005 President Bush proposed a plan that would have allowed Social Security payroll contributions to private accounts. However, the plan was rejected. Many members of Congress believe that the program can be fixed with small changes over time. Raising the cap on taxable Social Security income and raising the retirement age gradually are just two examples.

I believe that Social Security needs to be reformed soon, otherwise this program will be no more. This program is important and for many retirees their main source of income. Without it, it will be very difficult for many seniors to meet their basic needs. Also, the coming generations, as well as the current working generations, need this program to still be around when they retire. Not to mention, the issue that many Americans, like myself, are facing is that they are paying into a program that they may never get benefits from. The government also needs to stop taking money from the fund to use for other things. Something needs to be done to fix the deficit of the Social Security Program now, not later. I don't think that merely raising the retirement age or income cap is enough. Yes, that might help but I feel that it will simply put off the problem for a few years. Like John McCain, I feel that right now a plausible solution would also have to include private investment accounts. Instead of current workers paying into a big pool and then having the money dished out to current retirees, the money from both the worker's and employer's Social Security tax contributions would be put into an account for that one person. The money could then be used to invest in stocks and bonds. A great thing about this is that many Americans would get more money from the investment returns than they would with the current payouts of Social Security benefits. Also, this would help ease the fears of younger workers not getting anything from the program. In fact, many workers would probably be more willing to pay the Social Security tax knowing that the tax money would actually benefit them, not just the older generations or government officials. McCain also feels that Republicans and Democrats need to start working together to agree on a Social Security Reform. I agree, both parties need to make compromises and fix the program so it will still be around for upcoming generations of Americans.

Also, be sure to check out a few of the other issues with the Federal Budget:

Friday, February 12, 2010

Prius owners blame wild rides on cruise control

Owners of Toyota Priuses are speaking out about the problems their cars are when using cruise control. Several owners have stated that once they hit the cruise control button the car accelerates out of control. The drivers then stated that they couldn't stop the car from accelerating. They tried taking off cruise control, and slamming on the brakes but the car resisted. Many owners have contacted Toyota about the issue. However, Toyota responds saying that the issue is due to the floor mats or sticky gas petals. Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, states that he believes it is not a problem with the floor mats or with a sticky gas petal but with the computer software running the car. But when he tried to contact Toyota about the issue they didn't listen. This seems to be a problem for any owner that speaks up. Toyota has to step up and deal with this problem sooner rather than later.

It seems like there are lots of complaints about Toyota vehicles lately. When I first heard about Toyota recalling numerous vehicles due to sticky gas petals, I thought that the company was taking action and responsiblity for their products and doing the right thing. However, after reading this article it seems that the company might not be taking the responsiblity for the problems of their products after all. I think that it is interesting that it may not be a gas petal problem but a software problem in the Toyota Prius. I hope that Toyota will start investigating this problem soon and look into the software and cruise control of the Prius.

See the full story here.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why the 9/11 trial belongs in New York

Obama officials have stated that they are considering moving the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,commander of the 9/11 attacks, out of New York City. There are fears that holding the trial in New York may cause danger to the city, maybe even another attack. However, some are argueing that having the the trial in New York won't make the city a higher terrorist target since it is already number 1. Also, many people feel that having the trails and justice take place in New York would help the healing process for families who lost loved ones in the attack. New York's federal courts have a 100 percent conviction rate on terrorism trials.

I think that having the trials in New York City will increase fears of another terrorist attack. However, it seems to me that no matter where the trials take place there will be that same fear. I do agree that having the trial in New York City may help the families who lost people in the 9-11 attacks. Since it will be near their homes and workplaces it will be easy for them to hopefully see justice take place. Not to mention I would like to see the trial take place where the terrorists will be punished and convited for their actions and since New York has a 100% conviction rate I think its the right place.