Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why the 9/11 trial belongs in New York

Obama officials have stated that they are considering moving the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,commander of the 9/11 attacks, out of New York City. There are fears that holding the trial in New York may cause danger to the city, maybe even another attack. However, some are argueing that having the the trial in New York won't make the city a higher terrorist target since it is already number 1. Also, many people feel that having the trails and justice take place in New York would help the healing process for families who lost loved ones in the attack. New York's federal courts have a 100 percent conviction rate on terrorism trials.

I think that having the trials in New York City will increase fears of another terrorist attack. However, it seems to me that no matter where the trials take place there will be that same fear. I do agree that having the trial in New York City may help the families who lost people in the 9-11 attacks. Since it will be near their homes and workplaces it will be easy for them to hopefully see justice take place. Not to mention I would like to see the trial take place where the terrorists will be punished and convited for their actions and since New York has a 100% conviction rate I think its the right place.

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