Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Health care foes 11 votes shy of defeating bill

Today, five more democrats said that they would be voting against Senate healthcare legislation. That means that the Senate is only 11 votes away from getting a majority and voting down healthcare reform. Mike McIntyre of North Carolina stated that he believes healthcare reform is necessary. However, he thinks that the present bill is much too expensive. He said that the bill would include spending at least $1 trillion to reform healthcare and when the deficit is already so large he wouldn't vote for the bill. Many representatives feel the same. Healthcare needs to be re-evaluated and reformed but at a reasonable cost.

I am glad to hear that more democrats are deciding to vote against this bill. I think that the current healthcare bill is much too expensive and it will be a burden to future Americans. I think that healthcare in America does need to be evaluated and changed but at a reasonable level that Americans can afford to pay. Also I feel that socializing healthcare is not the way to go. I think it will cause many people to have to pay for themselves as well as those who are not insured or willing/able to pay for their own insurance. I hope that the current healthcare bill is not passed and that it can be re-evaluated and made much more reasonable.

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