Thursday, March 18, 2010

2 wolves shot; tests to determine whether they killed woman

Last week Candice Berner, 32, was killed by two wolves while jogging near Chignik Lake, Alaska. Authorities tracked down and killed what they assumed were the two wolves responsible for the attack. They are now running test to confirmed that they were the wolves that killed Berner. The small communitiy of Chignik Lake was quite suprised and shaken by the incident. They often see wolves but never imagined anyone to be injured by them. In fact this is only the second fatal wolf attack in North America for more than a century. Wolves do tend to avoid humans and all contact with them. This truely is a rare occurance.

I am suprised to hear about this wolf attack. It's too bad someone had to die. However, I think that it is a little strange though that they just tracked down two wolves and killed them hoping they were the right ones. They might be but still they could've just shot them with a traquilizer to make sure they were they right wolves before they killed them. Not to mention since it is a very rare thing to have wolves killing people, I can't help but to question was it really necessary to even kill these wolves? Was she provoking the wolves in the first place? Or have they had other issues in the community with wolves? It might be interesting to hears how this all turns out.
To see the full story click here.

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