Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthcare Blog

President Obama is now getting ready to start making speeches around the country to sell his healthcare plan. His first stop will be Iowa City. Three years ago this is where he first starting pushing for healthcare overhaul. This trip around the country will be very important since 40% of Americans are not in favor of the healthcare bill that Obama is pushing. It will be crucial that Obama is able to pursuade Americans to be in favor of this legislation. Robert Gates has stated that there are 16,500 people already signed up to hear Obama speak in Iowa. It seems that this healthcare bill is very important to many Americans and they want to hear more about it. Obama will be speak on the details and effects of this new law and that is exactly what Americans want to hear right now.

I think that healthcare does need to be reformed but right now our country simply can't afford the cost to reform it. However, I think it would be very interesting to be able to hear more of the exact details of this new healthcare plan. This current plan will affect so many Americans and even younger generations to come. I understand why so many Americans are not in favor of this bill because we know so little about it and what we do know we don't like. I think it is going to take a lot for Obama to persuade Americans to agree with him on his new plan. Although, it should be interesting to hear what Obama has to say about healthcare in the weeks to come.

To read the whole article on CNN click here.

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