Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fargo a fortress of sandbags

Fargo, North Dakota is surrounded by 700,000 sandbags. This is in hopes to safe the city from the raising Red River. During the last 24 hours the river has risen nearly 3 feet. Karena Carlson, the spokeswomen for Fargo, stated that they hope the sand bags will allow the city to be protected up to 40 feet. Just last year the record was set when the river hit 40.8 feet. As of early this morning the river was already at 32.54 feet. That is more than 18 feet above major flood stage. The good news is experts are predicted the crest to be at 38 feet, which will likely occur already this Sunday. College students in Moorhead are also preparing for the flooding on the otherside of the same river.

I think that many people have been working very hard to protect Fargo and Moorhead from the rising Red River. I can't believe that Fargo alone has 700,000 sandbags! It is good news to hear that hopefully the flooding will not be record breaking. Next year, as a college student in Moorhead, I will likely be part of this crew helping to sand bag the city.
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